Das LO ist gestern Abend entstanden:
Ich bin ja vielleicht auch selbst schuld wenn ich immer sag, ihr könnt Euch jederzeit melden wenn es euch schlecht geht ... Aber müssen das dann immer gleich alle auf einmal nutzen ?
Das Journaling ist hinter dem Foto in der Mitte und lautet:
Telephone Counsling, Online Help line, you are talking to Mel.
I am a good listener, a very good listener. When my own life is fine, I don't mind beeing the crisis line for my friends, but when I am in pain, disbelief and agony myself, it gets to much.
But how can you tell a friend " NO, today I can't take your problems."
Without them getting mad or sad about you?
Sure they tell you, you can also bug them anytime with your problems, but what good does that do, when you are the kind of woman who doesn't want to talk about your problems? You don't want to bother anyone, cuz you think your problems are not that important. You don't want to be a whiner.
How much do I have to endure from my friends ?
When is it ok to say NO not Today ???
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